
Pastoral Care & Student Wellbeing

At °®¶¹ÉçÇø, we strive to educate and nurture the whole child.

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Ministry Team

Concordia's Ministry Team provides pastoral care and support to the College community and aims to encourage and nurture the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of students.

Welcoming Worship

Concordia acknowledges that all students are created and loved by God no matter what their faith or cultural background is. Together we take part in regular times of worship as we share of God’s love for us through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Pastoral Care

Through the College's Pastoral Care Program, Concordia provides opportunities for students to build resilience and to show respect and compassion for one another. The Ministry Team works with classroom teachers in providing care and support to students and assist in developing life skills that will help serve them and the community in the future that they are shaping and creating.

Wellbeing and Relational Management

The College’s management of student wellbeing is inspired by the gospel and reflects the love and forgiveness that God shows us each and every day.

Within a restorative practices process, every effort is made to repair the harm that may have been caused and to foster positive relationships moving forward.

As we experience God’s forgiveness we can then pass it on by forgiving others. Forgiveness brings reconciliation and restoration of relationships.

Restorative Practices

Wherever there is a relationship breakdown, where appropriate, restorative practices are implemented to repair and restore impacted relationships.

The principles and values that underpin our Student Wellbeing Program are:

Pastoral Care - Every student has at least one staff member who knows them well.

Celebration - We provide many opportunities for students to experience the joy of life, learning and relationships

Christian Values – We value and promote the qualities of forgiveness, reconciliation, humility and self-sacrifice.

Partnerships with Parents – We consistently involve parents when student wellbeing or behaviour issues arise.

Relationships with Staff and Students – We provide opportunities for formal and informal social interactions among staff and students to promote mutual respect.

High Expectations – We present and uphold high expectations of behaviour for students and staff.

A Supportive Learning Environment – We are committed to creating a secure, success-oriented, empowering learning environment.

An Effective Process: Repair. Rebuild. Restore – We apply clear and fair procedures to manage student behaviour in an environment that promotes faith, hope, justice and reconciliation.